Saturday, January 13, 2007

Remove Cellulite Guide

What is cellulite? I hear you ask. This is a very common question. Cellulite is normally to be found on a woman's, buttocks thighs, tummy, possibly arms. It is simply a name for the appearance of bumpy, rippled, dimpled, looking fat on the individual’s body. Cellulite is a widespread problem that can affect any woman as she ages. This occurs when connective tissues under the skin that shape the fat become weaker and then deform owing to poor or restricted circulation. According to a study carried out by the American academy of dermatology, cellulite can be the body's natural way of storing fat.

Cellulite is a problem for a lot of women. Some doctors, do not think of cellulite formation as a particular condition at all; apparently they judge that cellulite is only another name for excess fat. The problem of cellulite is estimated to affect about 85% of females over 30 in the UK. From a medical standpoint, cellulite is little to worry about.

Lots of devices have appeared in the past for the removal of cellulite but most of them have faded away owing to the lack of sustainable results. With the right doctor, Mesotherapy has become the top treatment for the removal of cellulite. People between the ages of 18 - 75 and in fine health make good subjects for Mesotherapy for cellulite reduction, weight loss, and spot weight reduction. These days, the lessening of cellulite and fat is made possible using a combination of therapies, including mesotherapy, to treat and alleviate this problem.

To sum up, your best bet is to try to eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, and get plenty of exercise. A daily routine of doing what you can to keep healthy and fit will not only aid you in your fight to stay clear of cellulite, but will further help you stay healthy and have a longer life.

Guest Blogger: Jamesh Hunaban

He is the owner of - - a site dedicated to Cellulite information.

Alternative Therapies To Remove Cellulite

If you suffer from cellulite, you may be tempted to think that surgery such as liposuction would be the ideal solution. It is important to keep in mind, however, that in dealing with cellulite, cosmetic surgery is is not always the safest or even the most effective method. In fact, it is likely that even if you do have liposuction, you will still tend to collect cellulite in the same locationss. Instead of relying on surgery for treatment, you might want to consider alternative treatments for removing your cellulite. There are many cellulite treatments available. Though they it is unlikely that they will permanently cure your cellulite, they will help reduce its appearance. Additionally, these methods are always safer than enduring the risks associated with surgery.

Mesotherapy is a cellulite treatment that has much popularity in Europe. In fact, this alternative therapy was created by a French doctor, Dr. Pistor, in 1952. Mesotherapy actually consists injecting the patient into and around the site where they experience cellulite. The injections themselves consist of natural substances like vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The patients endure this process weekly during the course of several months and typically the results are very positive. This can be an expensive process and it can be difficult to find mesotherapy experts, but the resuls are generally very good.

The body wrap is one treatment used by many women. While the experts are still not convinced about the effectiveness of body wraps, they do provide an opportunity for relaxation for those who get them. Therefore, even when relaxation is your ultimate goal, you can try one. The basic principle behind a body wrap is that it is supposed to eliminate toxins from the body and leave you with decreased water weight and increased contouring. It can be effective with relation to cellulite because the wrap can help stimulate lymphatic flow to the skin cells and this can aid in a reduction of the appearance of cellulite.

One of the most over-looked methods in the treatment of cellulite is simple exercise. Exercise is very effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite. Studies indicate that cycling and walking are two of the most beneficial exercises to eliminate the appearance of cellulite. Both activities target cellulite-prone areas, such as buttocks and legs. Therefore, if a walk or bike ride can be added to your daily schedule, it will likely alter your cellulite.

Instead of consulting your plastic surgeon about cosmetic surgery, talk to him or her about alternative therapies available to aid in the reduction of the appearance of cellulite. Your doctor might suggest other therapies available as well. Going under the knife is hardly the sole recourse available to those who dislike their cellulite.

Guest Blogger: David Davis

David Davis writes for several popular Internet magazines, on health tips and health and wellness issues.

Cellulite Removal Plan

If you're a woman then more than likely you have some cellulite. Maybe just a bit, maybe way too much for your liking.

Either way I bet you'd like to get rid of it and restore smooth, dimple-free skin. I have some good news for you: You can remove your cellulite, but it will require some effort and dedication on your part.

First of all you have to start eating properly and drink plenty of water. Avoid junk food, sweets and processed foods. Instead eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit.

The next step is to provide your skin with adequate nutrition that it desperately needs to heal itself. There are vitamins especially formulated just for cellulite removal and skin health.

Exercise comes next. Try to get off the couch and get moving at least 3 times a week. If you hate exercising take up walking, biking or swimming.

Stretching is also very beneficial. It not only elongates your muscles, but it also increases your circulation. It does wonders for cellulite removal. Stretch at least 5 days a week for about 5-10 minutes at a time.

Skin massage and dry skin brushing are also very important factors in your cellulite removal quest. Both will invigorate your skin and increase your circulation, facilitating toxin and excess water removal.

Dry skin brushing is best done before your shower, while skin massage could be done right after drying off. It's important to apply a good skin moisturizer before massaging.

Lastly, anti cellulite creams will assist you in providing your skin with good topical nutrients and cellulite fighting ingredients. It's best to apply the creams twice a day.

If you follow this cellulite removal plan, you should see a major improvement in your skin texture in about 6-8 weeks. Your cellulite will be much less visible and you'll be ready to show off your legs with confidence!

Guest blogger: Eva Remming

For more detailed information about this anti cellulite plan, please visit:

Want to Remove Cellulite? Then what treatment for cellulite are you going to use?

When you go to the spa or salon chances are that you have come across treatments that claim to get rid of cellulite. You probably think about how nice it would be to be able to do this, but wonder if things will quite work out that way.

Nearly 15 years ago a massage machine was invented in France that would help to get rid of cellulite. This was first used on horses, but soon enough it was noticed that it could also work to smooth out the skin of human beings.

This machine is known as the Endermologie and works in a simple manner. It gently vacuums the skin, and is massaged in order to break down excess fat. In turn, this excess fluid is taken away in the lymphatic system and blood stream.

Even though this treatment may sound complicated, it only takes about 45 minutes to complete. During the treatment the patient is placed in a body stocking of sorts, and the vacuuming begins. In many cases this may hurt at first due to the suction being too powerful. If this happens, the strength can be adjusted.

The results of this treatment are effective, but unfortunately its can cost quite a bit of money. If you are really looking for a way to get rid of cellulite though, this may be the best way to go.

Another option that you may want to consider is the body wrap. This is offered by salons and can be quite successful in reducing cellulite. Many people have found that a body wrap can reduce cellulite while also tightening the skin. Talk about the best of both worlds.

The process of getting a body wrap treatment is not difficult. You will take your clothes off, and then you will be covered in a treatment substance that is offered by your salon. Each one is different so ask up front. From here, your body is more or less wrapped up like a mummy.

For most body wraps you will be in the same position for an hour or so. When the treatment is complete the bandages are removed, and you can shower off and head for home.

There are some ways to get rid of cellulite. If you are interested in this you will want to check the two options listed above. You may be surprised at how well this can work out for you.

To Remove Cellulite - One Must Understand Cellulite

Cellulite represents one of the most frustrating aspects of the skin. More than 80% of women attempt to remove cellulite through many distinctly different ways. Cellulite-reduction methods include massage, diets or various lotions, creams, and potions. As a result of the connection between women and estrogen hormone estrogen, cellulite is generally strictly a female condition However, there are a small number of men who suffer from cellulite. This is most likely explained by the small level of estrogen hormones in their body.

The exact cause of cellulite is not conclusively known, but there are many theories. What we do know is that, the causes of cellulite are different numerous. One most common aspect of cellulite is its origin. Specialists believe it originates in adolescence. It is at this time that the hormone estrogen begins to trigger the layering of the fat in the body. This occurs as the cells in the sub-dermis become enlarged, and is evidenced on the hips and thighs. Gradually, the tissues begin to accumulate lymph fluid as it passes through them. The fat cells then tend to compress and begin hardening into lumps. The characteristic orange-peel appearance of cellulite is the result.

This is not the sole cause of cellulite's appearance on our bodies. Several lifestyle factors can also lead to the appearance of cellulite. Among them is lack of exercise, aging, smoking, alcohol consumption, food additives, chemical preservatives, and excess sugar and fat ingestion. Aging is one of the most important factors. As a result of the aging process, the tone and thickness of the connective tissue within the dermis decreases, making cellulite appear much more rapidly in an older person than in a younger person.

Another cellulite theory is the that the makeup of the strands of fibrous tissue in women and men are thought to be different. The structure of the fibrous tissue in the skin of a man forms a net that is perpendicular in shape. The net of fibrous tissue in a woman is formed in the shape of X's. It is also believed that a woman's fibrous tissue is more tightly woven, resulting in increased dimpling effects in women as compared to men.

Recent studies indicate that the number of obese people in the world is on the rise especially in developed countries. In fact, obesity statistics indicate that in the US 35% of the population is obese and in the UK about 20%. These statistics are similar in the majority of western countries. Because the population of obese people in our society is on the rise, cellulite's effects will only become more pronounced as cellulite is more severe in overweight women. It is also much more difficult for these women to eliminate it.

Thin women are also affected by cellulite. However, it seems to be less of a problem for thin women than it is for obese women. The first and most important step, if you have cellulite and you are overweight, is to lose weight. Do this by beginning to eat more health-consciously and exercise. You should then begin to see an improvement in the appearance of cellulite, if not a complete disappearance.

Remove Cellulite From Home

If you are trying to remove cellulite you may want to look into going to the salon or spa. But with that in mind, you will also have to pay quite a bit of money. This leads to a lot of people looking into at home cellulite treatment options.

When connective tissue that holds fat cells into place begins to weaken, cellulite begins to show through. In turn, this can make for a very uncomfortable look and feel for any woman. Luckily, there are things that you can do in order to remove cellulite.

Any treatment for cellulite that you do at home can be effective. Some people feel that at home treatments are not as good as the ones at the spa or salon, but this is only a myth. If you put time into making this work for you, you will be able to remove cellulite in no time at all.

In order to start your at home treatments you will want to first work on improving your circulation. When you do this you will be well on your way to removing your cellulite. Most people think that this means going to the gym, but the fact of the matter is that you can get the exercise you need by doing a bit of aerobic activity on a daily basis. In only 30 minutes or so you can get everything done that you need. After three to five months you will start to see your remove cellulite going away gradually; and this is all from exercising.

In addition to exercise, you may also want to use a skin brush every day before you get into the shower. This will allow your skin to breath easily, and in turn eliminate bad toxins. Also, look into adding a massage to your daily routine as well. You can do this on your own, or with the help of a machine.

Also, look into your diet as a way to reduce cellulite. If you drink eight glasses of water each day it will help the detoxification process. In addition, increase the amount of fruit and vegetables that you eat.

Removing cellulite at home is more than possible. Instead of worry about having to pay big time money, why not just do all of the work at home on your own? Even though you may have to put in a bit more time, it will be well worth it in the end.

Remove Cellulite

Interesting take on removing cellulite.

Remove Cellulite With the CelluBike?

Looking for another expense spa treatment without any evidence to NOT remove your cellulite?

Here comes the CelluBike.

Does it remove cellulite?

Nay, but it does remove money, trust in spas, and hope. For a full review check out How to Get Rid of Cellulite: The CelluBike?

The true is there is NO real cure for cellulite, but Sammie Kennedy at is losing cellulite and helping the rest of the women with the problem too!